If you don't know the P90X program by now, then you must live under a rock - what's wrong with you? Just kidding! You really have to be a fitness buff or lover of infomercials to know about the plan. P90X is an at-home workout program by trainer Tony Horton. It's a series of weight training, aerobic and yoga workouts on DVD and it comes with a meal plan. The bonus is that you can do it all with just a set of resistance bands. We did it using our "Total Trainer" and a few dumb bells.
What makes P90X different from any other home workout? Well, its HARD - I mean really kick your butt hard. And it's different - every day you do something completely different than the day before. You have a weekly routine but that changes up monthly as well. At first I would just stare at the TV in amazement. That's the beauty of this workout. It keeps you constantly challenged and interested with the new routines.
Okay, (gulp) now to share some pictures.
My before picture (March 1, 2013):
This was 5-months post pregnancy - 130 lbs (Size 6-8)
I was out of shape. The last three months of pregnancy with Lauren, I was on a modified bed rest program meaning basically sit in a chair all day. After her birth, I was exhausted from lack of sleep and trying manage a toddler and newborn with a 20+ hour a week job. When I was ready to get back in shape, I couldn't run more than 1 mile without rest. My biking was pathetic as well. I hadn't ridden more than 4 or 5 times in the two years since our bike trip. (Having 2 kids within 19 months will do that to a person.) It was fair to say that I was in the worst shape that I have been in for my adult life.
So how does a full time mom and business woman get into shape? A home workout program was a must for me. The fitness center daycare does not accept kids under 6 months old and truthfully I didn't want to afford the $100+ a month bill. I made the P90X commitment.
I took my before pictures and I decided that everyday at 12 noon (no exceptions) I would "press play" on the DVD. If the kids weren't cooperating with naptime, well they got a front row seat to mommy's workout. I definitely wasn't perfect for all those 90 days and I didn't follow the diet plan or drink the recommended shakes. In fact, somedays I just grabbed my workout sheet and did as many exercises as I could in between corralling the kids. And yes somedays I just couldn't muster the energy to workout. But I kept going back the next day. (I did cut back on sweets and took a Royal Jelly Supplement to help with the fatigue of working out. )
30 days later:
I was frustrated after 30 days. I was ungodly sore for the first 2-3 weeks and working so hard. I thought for sure I would have lost at least 5 lbs. My scale wasn't budging. I thought about quitting... if it wasn't for the workout sheets, I probably would have. I started P90X to get in shape and the workout sheets didn't lie. I could see my progress. At first I couldn't do ONE regular push-up and now after 30 days I could do FOUR or FIVE! That's a 400% improvement. And I did start to see a bit of improvement in my muscle tone. (That is why they stress for you to document your workouts on the sheets, take body measurements and take the pictures!) Believe me you will rely on those things to get you through the rough times.
60 days later:
I was so glad I stuck it though it. After 60 days, my weight is down to 124 lbs and I'm starting to see a lot more muscle definition. I am so much stronger, too. Lifting a 40 lb. bag of dog food is fairly easy now. And I can run! I went out for a run and completed 2.5 miles without stopping.
At 60 day mark, the workouts are also getting easier. I can keep up with the videos and sometimes muscle through the breaks to complete the video early or add more reps to my workout.
90 days later - 117 lbs (Size 2):
Here I am after 90 days of P90X. I weigh 118 lbs and need all new clothing. I'm so happy with the results. I have to admit I was hesitant to lift all those weights and do all those push-ups and pull-ups. I thought I was going to bulk up and never lose any weight. I'm know confidently in the best shape of my life. I can run 3 miles at a 8 min/mile pace and biking is the best its been for me in a long time.
Thanks for letting me share my results - let me know if I've inspired you to join the P90X revolution. No matter what your ability you should give it 90 days. You'll be so happy with the results - I guarantee it. You can find out more at beachbody.com
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